Statistical Review of World Energy

Data source: The Energy Institute

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The Statistical Review analyses data on world energy markets from the prior year. It has been providing timely, comprehensive and objective data to the energy community since 1952. It is completely free for users to access.

The Energy Institute is preserving and building on the Statistical Review’s legacy in collaboration with others. bp is providing continuing support and, as the EI’s Partners for the Statistical Review, KPMG and Kearney are also committing funding and sector expertise.

Data compilation is being undertaken by the Centre for Energy Economics Research and Policy at Heriot-Watt University. An advisory board has also been established, bringing together respected energy thought leaders and experts to provide strategic oversight of the publication.

Last updated by source: 2023-07-12

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• EI Statistical Review of World Energy. (2023). Energy institute statistical review of world energy 2023. Energy Institute.

Variables in this dataset:

CO2 Emissions from Energy in million tonnes of carbon dioxide
QoG Code: srwe_co2

Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Energy by country in millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide. The carbon emissions reflect only those through consumption of oil, gas and coal for combustion related activities, and are based on default CO2 Emissions Factors for Combustion' listed by the IPCC in its Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006). This does not allow for any carbon that is sequestered, for other sources of carbon emissions, or for emissions of other greenhouse gases. The data is therefore not comparable to official national emissions data.

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Coal production in million tonnes
QoG Code: srwe_cpt

Coal production in million tonnes. Commercial solid fuels only, i.e. bituminous coal and anthracite (hard coal), and lignite and brown (sub-bituminous) coal, and other commercial solid fuels. Includes coal produced for Coal-to-Liquids and Coal-to-Gas transformations.

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Proved reserves of gas in trillion cubic meters
QoG Code: srwe_gpr

Proved reserves of gas in trillion cubic meters. The estimates in this variable have been compiled using a combination of primary official sources and third-party data from Cedigaz and the OPEC Secretariat. Total proved reserves of natural gas - Generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. The data series for natural gas does not necessarily meet the definitions, guidelines and practices used for determining proved reserves at company level, for instance as published by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, nor does it necessarily represent the EI’s view of proved reserves by country. As far as possible, the data above represents standard cubic metres (measured at 15ºC and 1013 mbar) and has been standardized using a Gross Calorific Value (GCV) of 40 MJ/m3.

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Generation of hydroelectric power in terawatt-hours
QoG Code: srwe_hgt

Generation of hydroelectric power in terawatt-hours based on gross primary hydroelectric generation and not accounting for cross-border electricity supply.

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Generation of nuclear power in terawatt-hours
QoG Code: srwe_ngt

Generation of nuclear power in terawatt-hours based on gross generation and not accounting for cross-border electricity supply.

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Oil consumption in thousand barrels daily
QoG Code: srwe_ocb

Oil consumption in thousand barrels daily. Inland demand plus international aviation and marine bunkers and refinery fuel and loss. Consumption of biogasoline (such as ethanol) and biodiesel are excluded while derivatives of coal and natural gas are included. Annual changes and shares of total are calculated using thousand barrels daily figures.

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Proved reserves of oil in thousand million barrels
QoG Code: srwe_opr

Oil: Proved reserves in thousand million barrels by country in thousand million barrels. Total proved reserves of oil - Generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. The data series for total proved oil does not necessarily meet the definitions, guidelines and practices used for determining proved reserves at company level, for instance as published by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, nor does it necessarily represent the EI’s view of proved reserves by country. Please consult the following link for further definitional discussion:

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Primary Energy Consumption in Exajoules
QoG Code: srwe_pec

The primary energy consumption by country in exajoules. In this dataset, primary energy comprises commercially-traded fuels, including modern renewables used to generate electricity. Energy from all sources of non-fossil power generation is accounted for on an input-equivalent basis. Refer to the report and the appendix available at for more details on this methodology.

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